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The Generalized Virtual Economy: An Economy of the Dualistic

(市场价: ¥58.00)

中央十六大报告明确提出,要正确处理发展“虚拟经济与实体经济的关系” 。当今社会,人类已经逐渐解决了温饱问题,社会经济发展从以满足人们生理需求为主的实体经济现象逐渐过度为以满足人们心理需求为主的虚拟经济现象。然而,靠前对它的研究尚处于起步阶段。本书在传统经济学基础上,对广义虚拟经济的定义、基本概念和原理、宏观层面、微观层面等诸多方面进行了研究总结。从实体经济到虚拟经济,从狭义虚拟经济到广义虚拟经济,已经成为当今世界经济发展势不可挡的潮流,也是当代经济理论研究的热点,因此本书的出版正逢其时。本书虽然是一部理论研究著作,但对国家大力提倡的软实力建设、文化产业振兴都有着很好切实的指导意义,而且全书中包含着当今社会大量丰富生动的事件与案例,预计本书会有较好的发行量,能取得较好的经济效益。

Chapter 1 The Generalized Virtual Economy Characterized by
the Rong-Jie State Is the Inevitable Result of His-
torical Development
Chapter Abstract
1.1. Evolution of the World Economy with the Explosion of Infor-
1.2. Evolution Is the Leap Made by the Unification of History and
1.3. Gaps in Virtual Economy Research and the Truth that People
Have Missed
1.4. The Generalized Virtual Economy Springs from a Spe Cir-
1.5. The Emergence of Virtual Value and the Explosion of Com-
modities Brought about by Value Segmentation
1.6. Examination of the Rising Generalized Virtual Economy from
the Perspective of Reassessing the Nature of Wealth
Chapter 2 Value Evolution: From the Objectification of Labor
to the Objectification of Life
Chapter Abstract
2.1. The Most General Schema of Human Activities and Its Influ-
ence on Economic Theory
2.2. The Challenge of the Utility Theory of Value to the Labor
Theory of Value Opened the Gate to the Human-Centered
2.3. The Expansion of the Attributes of Wealth and the Emer-
gence and Generalization of Wealth Symbols
2.4. The Information State of "Popularity" Has Become the Un-
paralleled Primary Resource
2.5. The Value of Human Capital Is Rooted in the Rong-Jie State
Chapter 3 The Generalized Virtual Economy in the Perspec-
tive of the Natural Rong-Jie State
Chapter Abstract
3.1. Virtual Value is the Diffraction of the Information State in
So and Economic Activities
3.2. The Dualistic Value Rong-Jie State Formed by Physiological
and Psychological Needs
3.3. "Confidence Is More Important than Gold" and Its Theoretical Foundation
3.4. Optimal Equilibrium Management of the Dualistic Value
Rong-Jie State Economy
Chapter 4 The Generalized V'n-tam! Economy Requires a New
Perspective and Concept Based on the Information State
Chapter Abstract
4.1. The Controversial and Undefined New Economy
4.2. The Generalized Virtual Economy Should Be Based on a
Sound System
4.3. The Positive So Function of the Generalized Virtual
4.4. Asymmetric Economy Brought About by the Imperfect Dual-
istic Value Rong-Jie State
List of Tables
Table 3-1. Profits Earned by Different T-shirt Companies under Different Games
Table 3-2. Game Result of Stimulating Economic Growth by Investment
Table 4-1. Four Economic Ages of Human History
List of Figures
Figure 3-1. Flow Chart of the Decoding and Control of Generalized Information and Materials by the Rong-Jie Equilibrium
Figure 4-1. Diagram of the Gini Coefficient

出版社 人民出版社
ISBN 9787010120843
条码 9787010120843
编者 林左鸣
译者 张丽
出版年月 2013-05-01 00:00:00.0
开本 16开
装帧 平装
页数 324
字数 427.00千字
版次 1
印次 1

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